Special Issue of Frontiers in remote sensing journal on “small, Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (sUAS)”

The Special Issue of Frontiers in remote sensing journal on “small, Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (sUAV)” (abstract submission deadline: 06 November 2023, manuscript submission deadline 04 December 2023) is opened.
The Guest Editors are: Dr John Fulton (United States Geological Survey (USGS), US); Dr. Silvia Barbetta (National Research Council, Research Institute for Geo-hydrological Protection, Italy), Dr. Tommaso Moramarco (National Research Council, Research Institute for Geo-hydrological Protection, Italy); Dr. Carl J. Legleiter (United States Geological Survey (USGS), US and Dr. Cian Dawson (United States Geological Survey (USGS), US).

For information: jwfulton@usgs.gov; silvia.barbetta@irpi.cnr.it; tommaso.moramarco@irpi.cnr.it; cjl@usgs.gov; cbdawson@usgs.gov

The goal of this Research Topic is to establish a repository of sUAS research and operations that advance the utility of sUAS and various sensors used to address challenging earth science topics.

Link: https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/52585/small-uncrewed-aircraft-systems-suas#main-content